Well here I sit in my dorm room. almost 10pm Eastern time. and I'm tired.
Spent all day moving in and getting situated to make my home for the next 4 months feel more....homey
I've got 2 other roommates and one on the way.
I know absolutely no one here and am still FREAKING out.
I'm so shy and the worst at meeting people.
Tips on how to make friends, anyone? Do I need to revert back to my kindergarten ways?
I hate being the new kid on campus, new kid in the dorm, and just being new.
change sucks. I hate it.
I've met one person in the entire dorm so far and he's on the football team (very nice. I envy his confidence...). My roommates are off with their boyfriends. And single me is alone.
classes start tomorrow and I'm excited to actually MEET people.
2 French classes and a science class. I hope I'm up to par with the French here :/
First day jitters = my worst enemy.
well, Shower time.
to new beginnings, new friends, and getting closer to my degree